

For glowing skin in summers, you need something more than sunscreen

  29 April

In summer, nothing rivals the coolness of a bowl of fruits. They not only calm the body but also provide a refreshing feel. We all want to stay as cool as possible in the summer, and our skin is no exception. Skin is the most delicate part, and therefore we must take extra precautions to protect it during the summer days.

Follow these skincare routines for beautiful and glowing skin next summer.

Appropriate Face Wash

Irrespective of the season, cleansing your face is the essential skincare practice that you should follow. Due to the humid weather in summer your face produces more oil during this time, so you should change your cleanser accordingly.

Oily skin is most affected because the pores can readily clog and cause acne. For summer, use a foamy cleanser with salicylic acid.


Your skin goes through a hard time during the summer to maintain itself healthy and restores from external damages like sunburn. Gentle exfoliation helps in faster skin restoration, because exfoliation removes dead skin cells and leaves your skin looking radiant.

Antioxidants Should Be Added

Buy antioxidant-rich serums, moisturizers, and sunscreens. Vitamin C, for example, helps keep your skin safe from environmental harm, reduces wrinkles, and promotes collagen production. Inflammation is reduced by creams and serums containing natural extracts and antioxidants.

Consume more Fruits And Vegetables

Topically applying antioxidants is insufficient. You must nurture your skin properly to keep it glowing. Summer time necessitates a healthy diet. Fruits and vegetables should be consumed in large quantities. They are high in essential vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants, which help reduce inflammation, stimulate collagen formation and save your skin from the harmful UV rays.

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